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HSP Debates: Unlocking Housing for Housing First
On the occasion of the International Social Housing Festival 2023 in Barcelona, the HSP and Housing first Hub Europe organized a joined...

HSP Debates: How to finance prevention of homelessness through European funds?
Homelessness is a growing reality in Europe, with more and more people experiencing extreme vulnerability and struggling to find...

Finding a Home for Ukrainian Refugees in Europe: Exploring Long-Term Housing Solutions
Habitat for Humanity International has recently published a new report in February 2023, conducted by the Metropolitan Research...

Is the New European Bauhaus leaving no one behind?
Source image: Europeana Pro Disclaimer: This text reflects FEANTSA's opinion and not all of HSP partners The "New European Bauhaus" was...

Urban Challenges, Housing Solutions: Understanding Cities’ Vacant Housing Potential
FEANTSA has recently published a new report: Urban Challenges, Housing Solutions: Understanding Cities’ Vacant Housing Potential to...

Living well with shrinkage: challenges and opportunities for housing in shrinking regions
FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre publish together a joint report on urban shrinkage: "Living well with shrinkage – Challenges and...

Sustainable & safe housing for people fleeing the war in Ukraine – the Safe Homes Initiative's role
In light of the European Commission´s launch of the Safe Homes Guidance, the Housing Solutions Platform organized an online debate to get...

Interview with architect Craig White, CEO at Agile Property & Homes
Housing Solutions Platform spoke to architect Craig White, CEO at Agile Property & Homes, to further explore what role architects can...

New report on social and affordable housing in Thessaloniki
The new report on social and affordable housing in Thessaloniki is an extended summary of key findings from a “Social housing baseline...

International Social Housing Festival 2022
The International Social Housing Festival (ISHF) 2022 took place in Helsinki, Finland on the 14-17th of June. The themes of this year...
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