HSP Debates: Unlocking Housing for Housing First

On the occasion of the International Social Housing Festival 2023 in Barcelona, the HSP and Housing first Hub Europe organized a joined workshop on "Unlocking housing for Housing First", to launch a joint report on the theme. Mobilisation of the private rental sector through investors, cooperation with Social Housing association an local authorities are some of the solutions to develop housing for housing first. The workshop brought projects (Homes for Good an RockTrust in Scotland), discussing with representatives from the cities of Dublin, Barcelona and the Eurometropole of Lyon on how to facilitate access to housing for Housing First. "We have to find new solutions, a new paradigm, a European housing policy" said Renaud Payre from the Eurometropole of Lyon, because "there is no housing first without housing".
Access the HSP-Housing First Hub report on "Unlocking housing for housing first":
Presentation from Ms. Carme Fortea, director of homelessness services, city of Barcelona